Decommissioning HBPP Unit 3, including “site restoration and landscaping”, will be completed at Buhne Point (see image)--after 22 years of work (Manetas 2020, p. 63).


PG&E plans that the DOE will begin transferring the SNF away (see image) from HB ISFSI and finish within two years (Welsch 2019, p. 32).


Humboldt Bay is projected to experience 3.3 feet (1 meter) of SLR under the high-risk climate change scenario (see image) (California Ocean Protection Council 2018; Laird 2019 Nov, p. 29).

PG&E's operating license for the HB ISFSI with the NRC extension from June 2020 is also set to expire.

700 million years in the future

The half-life of uranium-235 (U-235); in other words, about half of the U-235 comprising about 4% of commercial SNF will have radioactively decayed into the more stable actinium series by this time (Pappas 2017; Gey et al 2014).

Scientists believe that 700 million years ago, the Earth was a gigantic “snowball” (see image), so it is anyone’s guess as to what the planet will look like that far in the future  (News18 2020).

4.5 billion years in the future

The half life of uranium-238 (U-238); in other words, about half of the U-238 comprising about 96% of commercial SNF will have radioactively decayed into the more-stable daughter isotope radium-226 by this time (Pappas 2017).

Scientists believe that 4.5 billion years ago the Earth was a unformed mass of molten rock (see image), so it is anyone’s guess as to what the planet will look like that far in the future (
Specktor 2018).